Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Another Reminder About Dressing for the Weather

As a result of the arrival of colder weather, I would like to take this opportunity to remind parents/guardians that students should come to school appropriately dressed for the weather and forecasted temperatures each day. Please keep in mind that your children spend approximately one hour of the day outdoors which can be an awfully long time to a child who is cold. The back field also tends to be much windier than the front of the school and, although I do insist that my students cover themselves to the best of their ability, many of them sometimes come to school without suitable clothing for the temperatures of the day. I always tell students that it's better to bring extra items to school and decide not to wear them, than to realize too late that the day is much colder than they had anticipated. Please note that I do keep several spare pairs of mittens, scarves, sweaters and hats at school in case there is a needs however, borrowed items need to be laundered after every use and supplies are limited.