Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Volunteers Needed for Scientist in the School

The students of rooms 5, 6 and 7 will be having "scientists in the classroom" on the mornings of January 23rd and 24th and we will be needing 4 parent volunteers to help out on each of the two days.

The first presentation entitled "Move It" will take place in Ms. Bednarz's classroom the morning of Wednesday, January 23rd. This presentation is for the grade 2 students on the topic of movement and simple machines. Volunteers interested in joining us on this day will need to present themselves to room #6 no later than 8:25 a.m. so that the scientist can explain his or her role and responsibilities for the morning's activities. The grade 1 students will be spending the morning (8:40 - 11:30) in room #5 with Ms. Davey.

The second presentation entitled "Everyday Structures" will take place in Ms. Davey's classroom the morning of Thursday the 24th. This presentation is for the grade 1 students on the topic of everyday structures. Volunteers interested in joining us on this day will need to present themselves to room #5 no later than 8:25 a.m. so that the scientist can explain his or her role and responsibilities for the morning's activities. The grade 2 students will be spending their morning (8:40 - 11:30) in room #6 with Ms. Bednarz.

Any parent(s) that are interested and available to volunteer on either or both of these two half days are invited to contact either Ms. Davey or myself ASAP. It doesn't matter which class or grade your child is in, we are happy to have you in either classroom.   Also, please be advised that because we have not scheduled any field trips so far this year, there will be two additional "scientist in the school" presentations (one for each grade) taking place in March on the topics of Energy and Solids and Liquids. Although these first two presentations will be paid for by the parent council, we will be collecting money to cover the cost of the additional two scientists in March.   Looking forward to some exciting science experiences at Elizabeth Simcoe!